
Canopy Scholars are having fun & working hard!

Students are working one-on-one with tutors who look like them, share similar cultural experiences, and who can be role models. In addition to homework, tutors are engaging students in a new project this year – the CLIMATE CHALLENGE

We are engaging the creativity of the Canopy Scholars to find bold solutions to climate change!

The CLIMATE CHALLENGE is a series of fun science experiments covering rising temperatures, air pollution, sea level rise, stormwater runoff, and oil clean-up. The challenge part is brainstorming ideas for solving these problems. We’ll keep you informed and inspired with stories as students put their creativity to work! 

A place for students to grow

We work together to create a community that enables students to grow – parents, tutors, and supporters – and we each play a pivotal role. In the forest, a canopy forms when different species of trees grow together, creating a place for struggling young trees to establish deep roots.

Let’s come together, like a canopy, to surround and support the Canopy Scholars as they start this new school year. Give a scholarship and help a student grow.