
The Canopy Student Leadership Council

Ebenezer Lemma, Meiron Bereket, Julia Lee, Misgana Kiflom, Semira Woldu, Abby Hulak, Megan Hulak

These seven students – from Lakeside and Shorewood High Schools and the University of Washington, form our Canopy Student Leadership Council. They are smart and funny, stand-out Canopy tutors. With their passion for helping underserved students excel in school, they collaborate with the Canopy staff to analyze the rising needs of the elementary and middle-school students and design projects to meet those needs.

In today’s news post, the Leadership Council presents one of their projects, 6th Grade Seminar, as part of our ongoing series, The Story Project. This story was filmed by Ebenezer and Julia and features Meiron teaching the seminar. Enjoy!

– Lynn, Director of Canopy

More Than Skills… 

by Olivia Magtaas, director of middle-school tutoring 

The Canopy Student Leadership Council is giving our elementary and middle-school students more than academic skills.  They are giving students the chance to see leaders who look like them, leaders who have power to shape an organization. This is life-changing!

Thank you for being part of the Canopy community! 

  • Students, thank you for working hard.
  • Parents, thank you for your partnership.
  • Tutors, thank you for investing in students.
  • Donors, thank you for your generous giving. 

We are grateful to be working together and making such a difference in the world!